Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My budding investigatory reporter.

I'm not sure if it was from Sunday School or preschool, but somewhere Sophia was given a very small spiral notepad. Since that fortuitous moment, she has taken to walking around with it while taking all sorts of notes. 

This means that I now get to asked to explain in full detail every single thing that I am doing all day long. 

And, when she gets sick of asking me questions, she typically starts reporting back to me the notes she has taken. They are full of very helpful information including things like "girls should brush their teeth," "Connor is at school right now," "Violet is a girl," "cows say moo and sheep always say baa," and "babies wear diapers." 

Her notes also consist of all the television shows we have watched and which ones we are allowed to watch again. 

 Taking notes.
 And, if it makes her this happy, who am I to complain?
Plus, these notes definitely look like they might come in handy some later this afternoon when I need to know if babies wear diapers and what television program we are ready for. 

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