Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What's it all about?

This morning Connor had a realization. God doesn't always say yes to our prayers - or better stated for Dr. Ziegler's sake God's yes isn't always what we think it will be.

Bright and early this morning Connor came and sat down on the floor in our room. He said that he had prayed to God that he would have a really good listening day and really good dreams yesterday. According to Connor, however, he had neither a really good listening day at school, at home, or good dreams last night. He then made the universal sign showing the inability to understand. He put his arms into a W shape and said, "What's that all about?"

I said that God always gives us what we need, but it is not always what we think we need and that suffering helps draw us closer to Christ. His response - "Huh?"

Hey Connor, maybe you should ask your dad about this one. It seems like a pastor type question.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

There Were Three in the Bed...

For a few weeks now Connor has been coming into our room to sleep on the floor. This has been permitted because Sophia was moved into his room and has the tendency to at least once a night make a little noise.

Last night Connor decided that sleeping on his makeshift bed on the floor was not good enough. He needed to be in our bed with us. After several attempts to get him to go to his room we gave up and he spend the night with us.

Sleeping with a five year old boy in the bed was a challenge. It reminded me of the good old days when Ben and I had a king sized bed and we could fit kids, animals, and extra pillow in bed without feeling the least bit cramped.

Last night in our queen bed I was feeling somewhere between cramped and sardine. I kept thinking about the song where there are seven people in the bed and the little one said roll over..roll over.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Ockrees

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True Love Moments

There are moments in this world where I get a mere glimpse of what true love may look like. I always love my husband and kids, but they also frustrate me, annoy me and drain me of all energy.

Every now and then I have a moment, they are always very brief, where I feel extreme love for my family. A couple of nights ago we were all walking inside after being at the YMCA and it struck me how blessed I am to have been given this beautiful family to call my own. It was just a flash of brilliant, pure and unmarked love and just as quickly as it came it was gone. In its place was the regular every day love I feel for my family.

Odd, beautiful, mysterious and gone. It is moments like these that I hold on to and cling to during the tiredness, anger and frustration that normally accompanies our days.