Sunday, May 10, 2015

Internet persuasion and reality.

Today was mother's day, which means, that over the last week or so there have been several articles floating around the internet about what exactly mothers want for mother's day. The general summary of these various articles was this: for mother's day, we all just want to have a break from being a mother for a ding dang day.

I get this sentiment. Being a mother is tough work and it seems never ending. No matter how much progress I might to make during any given day, by the time the kids are all in bed I look around and it seems like I've accomplished nothing. I vacuum the floor only to have it covered in food after the next meal. I give baths only to turn around and see that someone found a marker and colored all over herself. *cough Violet* Seriously. Never ending.

So yes, I read those articles and I thought that a day of nothingness would be kind of nice. Good idea internet! This is what I want for mother's day.

But as it tends to do, life sent me a giant dose of reality.

Surprisingly, Ben had to work today. He didn't actually get the day off just because it was mother's day. In fact, he ended up having to work a little bit more than an average Sunday - which meant that we spent about three and half hours with him during the day today.

So I had to mom. Pretty much all day long. It was a total travesty. And trust me, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. Cooking, putting kids down for naps, changing diapers...I even had to vacuum and wash dishes! What kind of world is this?

After my pitty party was over - and the party didn't last very long because no one!...showed up to have it with me - I realized that I didn't really have it that bad.

Yes, today I had to do my mom jobs. Today I had to take care of these little people that live in our house with us. But I didn't have to do it all day. And I don't have to do it every day. Some moms do. Some moms spend everyday taking care of their children by themselves. How blessed am I to have a husband that supports and provides for our family? Lots. Lots and bunches.

And yes, today I had to change diapers and make food. But how many women are desperately praying to have to do these things too, but haven't been blessed with children? I myself know several lovely ladies who desperately wish there were little baby bottoms to clean in their house and little mouths to cook for.

Sure kids are work. But the world would have you believe that they are nothing but work and that you should be afraid to have them, pressured into "taking care of them." You shouldn't. Kids are work, but they are the best kind of work. They are the kind that tell you a nonsensical joke and giggle at their own hilarity. They are the kind of work where you can watch them discover the world around them. The kind where every day brings a little bit of joy.

Tonight, as my children sat all around me and I read them a bed time story I was struck by this thought too - why are we giving mice cookies or taking them to school? I kind of think we should be discouraging them from feeling like they can just ask for things in our house! Oh...and also that I'm pretty much completely and amazingly blessed to call these munchkins my own. Who knew my heart could ever be so full of love for someone other than myself?

So for all the mothers today, I pray for you.

For those of you that got some time to yourself today, for those of you who didn't, and for those of you that rarely do, I pray that God would bless you in your vocation.

And for those that desperately want a baby to hold in your arms, I pray for you, I pray that your burden would be lifted.