Sunday, February 12, 2012

Baff Time

Connor received some Valentines Day money which he used to buy this stuff called Baff. The idea of Baff is that it essentially makes your bath water into green sludgy goo. Sounds like fun, right?

This stuff was actually pretty cool from the standpoint that you run the bathwater and then add the powdery mix. In about ten minutes your bath has transformed into Baff. The best comparison I have for what this stuff felt like is the gel stuff you can buy to put into flower vases. It isn't quite like water, but seems to be made of little gel crystals.

The coolest part is that when you are done with the Baff you add another powder that in about ten minutes transforms your Bath back into water - or at least a very close equivalent that can go down the drain.

All of this is kid safe and non-toxic.

It took Connor a while to decide that he was actually going in and he was pretty sure he was only going in if he had swim trunks on. Once he was in there he had a total blast.

He is already dreaming of when he will be able to afford another dose of Baff in the future. Even though t it didn't in anyway mess up our bathtub and actually seemed to clean out our slow moving drain, I kind of think that this would be a better summer time baby pool project.


  1. I am not going to try this! I'm glad Connor liked it.

  2. Maybe this is how the "Jolly Green Giant" got his start! (: So glad he had fun!!
