She can still be sweet when the fancy strikes her. Lately, however, she has been all about proving to us the amount of will power she possess.
To prove that the infantile bliss is dead and gone she now does the following on a regular basis:
- Refuses to eat dinner and instead routinely dumps it on the floor.
- Will not, except on extreme duress (the kind only Daddy can provide) say I'm sorry to anyone about anything. That is unless she accidentally bumps into the wall in which case she will very promptly apologize to said wall.
- Screams "No thank you Mommy" when I try to subject her to such harsh and cruel punishment as eating a church. And by screams, I mean screams in a way that makes it sound like she is fearful of me beating her. Again...this happens very loudly in church.
- Pulls my hair if she is not getting the amount of attention she feels like she deserves.
- Has on more than one occasion thrown herself on the floor for a good old fashioned tantrum.
Yes, you all did warn me that even if a child is calm and docile, I can't expect that to last forever. You warned me, but was it wrong of me to hope that after raising Connor, God would take it a little bit easier on us? It turns out that was mostly just our practice round.
Ben and I hope that this is just that stage called the terrible twos, but also remember that it took us four years to get out of that stage with Connor. Honestly, who are we kidding? Depending on the day we are still very much in that stage with Connor.
We are certain however that this too shall pass. In the meantime, I try to take cute adorable pictures of her that I can look at on those know the ones.
Hang in there---this too shall pass!!! When??? By 3 or 21!!!