I post many of these stories on Facebook, but my mom doesn't use Facebook, so I am re-posting some of my favorite Connor moments...or Connorisms, as I affectionately call them.
Here are some recent conversations.
Connor: Mom, why does my toothpaste say call poison control immediately if you swallow it?
Me: Because if you swallow too much toothpaste it can make you sick.
Connor: What happens then?
Me: You have to go to the hospital and they give you something to make you throw up.
Connor: Is it peas?
Me: No...it's not peas.
Connor: Mom, do you want to hear a really awkward joke?
Me: Sure.
Connor: What did the ghost say.
Me: Boo?
Connor: No.
Me: Well, what did the ghost say then?
Connor: He said no, that was the awkward part.
Connor: (being increasingly wild and knocking over Ben's drink)
Ben: Connor, you need to calm down and mind your p's and q's!
Me: (In my head....10, 9, 8, 7, 6....)
Connor: What does mind your p's and q's mean?
Me (not in my head) laughing.
Ben: Arghhh... I should have known better.
Connor: Mom, I love you more than all the other moms in the world.
Me: Thanks Connor. That means a lot to me.
Connor: Yeah, it is probably because you are my only mom.
Me: I sure am. I'm glad you love me so much anyway.
Connor: I think I probably love you too much. I'm gonna work on that.
Connor: Mom, does Elinore like ice cream?
Me: No, not really. I usually get sick when I eat it.
Connor: We should probably go and get some just to see if she likes it tonight.
Me: Nice try buddy.
Connor: Hey Mom! I'm in Dad's office with Dad.
Me: Yeah...I know.
Connor: So, would you mind bringing me a fresh drink?
Ben: Ha, ha, ha.
Me: Would you mind getting your own fresh drink?