Wednesday, September 28, 2011


When I was pregnant with Sophia I kind of kept the fact that I was giving myself a shot everyday a secret from Connor. I didn't want him to freak out about the fact that this was going on or be worried about me.

This time around I have not been nearly as discreet. I figure between the constant puking, the falling asleep while sitting upright in a chair, and the refusal to eat just about anything, he has figured out that a lot of rough stuff is happening with me. As such Connor is fully aware of the twice a day shot routine.

Thus far his sympathy has been purely with the baby.

Connor: "Mom, that must really hurt the baby when you give them a shot."
Me: "Nope, the baby doesn't feel anything, it only hurts me."
Connor: "I'll bet the baby does feel it. I hate shots."
Me: "The baby doesn't feel a thing."

A couple of nights ago I finally received a little bit of empathy for my shots. Connor was taking a bath and he heard me heave a giant sigh after giving myself a shot in the other room.

Connor: "Mom, are you okay? What is bothering you?"
Me: "Nothing, I just got done giving myself my shot and I don't really like it."
Connor: "Oh Mom, I am so sorry that you have to give yourself a shot every day."
Me: "Thanks buddy. That actually makes me feel a lot better."

How did he get so sensitive and caring all of the sudden?


  1. Shots. Ugh! I get queasy just reading about your shots.

  2. You are such a trooper. And I'm glad your little man is helping you through this.
