Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My proudest mother moment ever.

I've had a lot of moments as a mother that I am not proud of. There's the eleven million times that I've lost my temper with my child, the times when I did absolutely the wrong thing at the wrong time, and countless other mistakes. 

Connor and I were having reading time tonight and I realized that at least I have done something right as a parent. 

We were reading a Curious George book entitled The Kite. Connor was not pleased with the cover of this book and promptly decreed it to be grammatically incorrect. 

Connor: "Mom, this book doesn't even make any sense!"

Me: "Why not?"

Connor: "Look at the cover. What? Is Curious George a Kite?" 

Me: "I see what you mean."

Connor: "We should tell them that it should say Curious George and The Kite. That would make way more sense."

Me: "Yeah, my kid knows grammar. Jealous?"

Then we reenacted the whole conversation on film for blogging purposes. 

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