Monday, July 25, 2011

Return of the Extreme Meltdown

In case you haven't noticed it is really hot outside. This heat has created an unfortunate circumstance wherein my children (Connor) aren't getting to play outside as much as they usually do and then they (Connor) get bored and act out. So, with this heat we have noticed the return of the Connor meltdown.

I am sure that you are wondering when the Connor meltdown actually went away're right, it didn't. There are, however, various stages of the Connor meltdown. Through a five year intensive training program, Ben and I have been conditioned to find most of Connor's meltdowns as quite tolerable.

The high heat, lack of outside play time, and Connor's general disposition have resulted in the Extreme Connor Meltdown. This is the meltdown wherein there is much screaming, hysterical crying, hyperventilation, and incoherent rambling. This is the one where we usually tell Connor to go to his room until he can actually explain to us what in the world is going on.

We were in the midst of one of these extreme meltdowns tonight because we had the audacity to expect Connor to stand in our general proximity as we were grocery shopping. After the meltdown was over, I tried to find out why Connor was having such a hard time. I asked him if he was tired, if his ears hurt, if he had a headache, and if he was feeling sick in any manner. His answer was the kind that Ben and I need in those intense moments. The kind that makes us chuckle.

His answer: "No Mom, I am just having a hard time because you won't just let me do whatever I want to."

When I was done laughing I looked over at Ben and told him that at least we've got the honesty thing down.


  1. Hey, at least he gives it to you straight! Hang in there, Connor. It's rough being little sometimes.

  2. Sorry about the meltdown for all of you. :(
    On a happier note, I like your new heading decor!!
