Friday, June 27, 2014

Happy Birthday, baby.

Violet Marie is one today.

I'm pretty sure that this is the fastest any of my babies have turned one. Science suggests that it took all of them a year to do it...but what does science know?

Happy Birthday Violet. May you always be as sweet as you were today (minus the part where you pulled Elinor's hair and pooped all over your clothes).

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Of Lead Wizards and Water guns

One of the things Connor had decided he likes to do is perform in plays. He was in the Little Mermaid chorus this last spring and really wanted to do some more of that theater stuff.

We signed him up for Summerstage here in town, which is a three week morning or afternoon program. At the end of the three weeks they put on a play for all to see. Connor was assigned the role of Lead Wizard (which he thought was perfect for him) and yesterday morning and tonight we got to go watch him in action. 

As an added bonus, Sophia was picked as an audience volunteer which she thought was only the most amazingly best thing ever. 

Connor's had such a great time these past few weeks and I've enjoyed hearing him talk about things like blocking and voice. He already can't wait until next year. 

Sophie gets her moment in the spotlight. 

Connor's big scene.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Of camps, bug resorts, and ant-free restaurants.

For those of you who missed me complaining about it a hundred million times, Ben is gone all this week.

Here's the thing...I know that there are hundreds of amazing capable mothers out there that take care of their children by themselves every day. I was raised by one of these amazing mothers. My best friend is one of these amazing mothers. I know they're out there, I just don't claim to be among their ranks.

The funny thing is that because Ben is a pretty busy guy, I honestly do most of the day to day parenting in the house. I fix nearly all the meals, I wipe almost all of the bottoms, I make the kids pick up, I lay out clothes for the next day.... But when he is home, Ben can be a huge help. He'll put those dishes away and reload the dishwasher. He fold that basket of laundry that I haven't gotten to for the past day (or three). He'll change that occasional diaper. And my favorite thing he does...he'll put the kids to bed while I relax on the computer.

All that being said, this week has not been nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. I haven't lost my cool nearly as often as I thought I would. I haven't been that stressed out. I haven't even cried yet. I don't want to say that all this calmness and not crying is because I bought a couple of litters of Coke, but it has definitely not made things worse. Also not making things worse...the blondies I made on Sunday night...that are now gone. I might have to make some more of those...while having a Coke, of course.

In fact, this week has actually been kind of fun. We've watched every Tinker Bell movie (yes Lynne, Every. Tinker. Bell. Movie.), we've built castles for all the My Little Ponies we own, we've danced to Everything is Awesome a million times, and we've taken walks around town. Connor started his own camp named quote appropriately Connor's Camp in the living room, we had a cook out at his camp, he and Sophia created a bug resort in the backyard that includes an island for roly polies. They even created a restaurant for the bugs called Ant Restaurant Sophie explained "it's called Ant Restaurant because the ants aren't allowed to eat there." And, the kids determined that our entire living room floor is covered in lava (but only at bedtime) so they all need piggy back rides up to bed so their feet don't get burned.

The most surprising thing that has happened this week: I'm not totally behind on laundry or dishes. In fact, I'm maybe even doing better than an average week here.

 I have it on good authority that this is the only water park designed for bugs in the world. 

 Connor hanging out at Connor's Camp

Warming their hands over the fire.