Friday, July 12, 2013

One Decade Down.

Ten years ago today I said "I do" to Benjamin Ockree and we began our life as husband and wife. It is amazing how quickly these last ten years have passed and also how much it seems like I've been married to Ben for much longer than a mere decade.

These last ten years have taught me a great many things about being married and I am certain that the next ten will teach me a great deal more. I've learned that marriage is hard work, but incredibly rewarding. I've learned to forgive my spouse when he disappoints me or when I feel he has wronged me. I've been humbled by my husband's ability to forgive me when I have wronged him, disappointed him, and failed him. I think that after ten years both Ben and I would agree that our commitment to our marriage and the love we hold for each other is much greater than we ever thought it could be on that lovely day ten years ago.

Ten years down and hopefully many many more to go.

Monday, July 1, 2013

The best birthday plans.

May 30th was Ben's birthday and I was going to make it amazing.

For the first time ever I was going to make fried chicken. And then I was going to make coconut ice cream. And then I was going to hire clowns and get a bounce house and pony rides...and you get the idea.

Really, it just involved homemade fried chicken and coconut ice cream. Neither of which worked out.

So instead, this happened....

And the ice cream? Well, our machine stopped turning the paddle inside and the ice cream wouldn't set up. So I put it in a Pyrex bowl and set it in the freezer. It was really delicious...the next day. 

Birthday fail. 

Violet Marie