He really is. He doesn't get it. Satan didn't get it on Black Friday when Jesus took our own sins upon Himself so that He would suffer the punishment we deserved. Satan didn't get it on Easter morning when Christ rose from the dead, conquering forever sin, death, and the devil. Satan doesn't understand that this battle for the souls of the elect has been won. And, he doesn't get that he isn't the winner.
Even on a cold January day it is still beautiful.
Imagine a place where everyone agrees that Jesus Christ is the true Son of God, that He lived a perfect life for you, that He died a perfect death for you, and that He rose again so that you too can have eternal life. Pretty wonderful, right? Now add to that a place where everyone agrees that abortion kills babies, that traditional marriage is great, that children are a blessing, and that we should love and care for our neighbors. You are feeling the wonderful, aren't you? Then....top that off with a handful of people who think that Arrested Development is by far the funniest television show that has ever been created and can quote it on queue, and I think I've made a pretty convincing argument.
"The seal is for marksmanship, and the gorilla is for sand racing."
Last week, the seminary held its annual Symposia. It is a week of papers and presentations, of liturgy and theology, it is a week of awesome. A week to be surrounded by super Lutheran people saying super Lutheran things. I told Ben that it was a week to get our Lutheran on, get re-energized for his vicarage, and get ready for his pending call. And last week was all these things. It was so good that on the way home we were already talking about how would could manage to do it all over again next year.
Last week, was also kind of a stinker. We ended up having to take our van into the shop and drop some major money on repairs only to have it continue to malfunction on the way home. Now we await our appointment at the shop here in town on Thursday to see what else is wrong and how much that is going to cost. In addition, after we got home Ben's laptop quit working, the hard drive just completely went out. There were other things too. A lot of things to bring us down and flood our newly re-energized minds with worry and doubt.
Which brings me back to my original point. Satan is a fool. Satan hates the fact that Ben is going to be a pastor. He hates the fact that my husband is going to proclaim God's word each Sunday to all who will listen, he hates that we are raising our children to believe that what the Bible says is true, and he hates the fact that we are baptized children of God. He also hates the fact that last week we had a solid week of theology and friendship, and little bit of Arrested Development one liners. He hates that last week we were super happy and excited for the future. So he does the only thing he can do: he tries to make us despair. He heaps burdens on us. He takes away our security. He thinks that if he can just take away some of our blessings that we will curse God and will fall away from our faith.
Satan is a fool because just as he didn't realize that Christ on that cross was God's victory, he doesn't realize that suffering only drives us to that same cross. When I have doubts, I do not despair, I pray...fervently. When my securities are stripped away, I do not curse God, I rely on His generous and constant care of my family. Satan is a fool because he doesn't realize that when he takes away some of our blessings that it reminds us of our true blessing: that we have been given faith in Jesus and that one day we will live with Him in heaven, our true home.