I had a two year old about five years ago. I remember that it was terrible and awful, but I've spaced out a lot of the more grueling details. I think that may be because that two year old grew into a horrible three year old, and then an even more challenging four year old, and then slowly started to get better. By the time we got to five, two was just a distant memory and pain and suffering.
I have a two year old now and she has been acting her age for a while. It wasn't until today that I had that "oh yeah" moment. It happened at about 11:00 am when I realized that she had been actually either crying or whining since 6:30 am this morning.
You may think that I am exaggerating...I'm not. She had been literally crying or whining since she woke up. Never stopping, just continuing, never tiring, only annoying.
As rough as it has been and as much as I feel like it isn't getting better anytime soon, I still have this vague sense that Connor was so much worse.
I also look at my sweet little, precious, cuddly baby girl and think "you're going to do this to me too, aren't you?"
I guess that is one joy of having three kids right in a row. By the time Sophia is done being two, Elinor will be almost there. And, by the time Elinor has grown out of the terrible twos and into the tiresome threes, the baby will be ready to take over as resident tyrant.
Looks like I've signed up for at least another three or four more years of this fun. Bring it on kids. I can take it. And for revenge, I'll make sure that this picture makes it out on prom night.